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Van Metre is Proud to Support Toys for Tots - Woodland Park Blog

Van Metre is Proud to Support Toys for Tots

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Van Metre is proud to support Toys for Tots in the DMV for the third year in a row! Toys for Tots is a program run by the U.S Marine Corps Reserve to collect and distribute toys to help families that cannot afford to buy them for Christmas. Toys will be collected through December 10th and must be new and unwrapped in order to be donated. The Marine Corps has been making a difference in the lives of Americans through Toys for Tots since 1947.  

While Toys for Tots Coordinators handle almost all of the logistics, the success of the project rests on the generosity of the people who donate toys. Today’s children are an integral part of our country’s future. However, approximately 15 million American children are currently living in poverty. Growing up in poverty impacts a child’s self-esteem and outlook for the future.  

The toys that children receive through the Toys for Tots Program sends a powerful message to millions of children across the United States; a message of hope. By setting a positive example for others to emulate, Marines, through Toys for Tots, change the course of children’s lives and give them hope for the future. Economically disadvantaged children who receive toys through the Toys for Tots program are given an amazing opportunity to see how young men and women, just like themselves, have achieved success.  

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